
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Follow Your Passion

I've been part of the corporate world for 10 years. I've been quite lucky with the companies I've worked for in the past. I can say that I am a seasoned HR Practitioner with experience in various branches of Human Resources. 

Recently, I've done a 90 degree turn in my career and shifted to a more IT driven practice. Although the focus of my work still involved working with HR practitioners, I am now at the other end of the stick. I am a Business Consultant providing implementation consultancy to customers who purchase our HR software. The work is definitely challenging for a newbie like me but the pay is good. Our team is highly results oriented. The company sincerely strives to give the best to its employees. 

I can honestly say that I cannot ask for more. This is as good as it gets. I like my life the way it is. I can't find anything to complain about. But the question is, would I settle for just 'like'? Although life is good, I feel that it can still be better. I like where I am now but I am not passionate about it. I feel as though something is still missing. 

I envy people who wake up each day looking forward to what lies ahead. People who love what they do and are passionate about it. That's what I'm looking for, that passion to drive me to do the very best I can every single day.

Would I feel much better if I returned to HR? I feel that I would be much much happier doing something else. But not back to HR, definitely not. 

This feeling has been bugging me for quite sometime. I've had this nagging feeling that won't go away. I've always had flashes of these feelings come up from time to time but I try to push them away. But now, I think I have to accept it. 

After working as an employee for 10 years, I feel that this is not enough for me. If I transfer from company to company, this nagging feeling would still be there. I realized that I don't want to be an employee anymore. 

I want to go into business.

There I've said it. I've finally accepted what has been deep inside me for the longest time. Now I know where to go, but how do I get there? 

The answer is, baby steps. I'm going to keep my day job to ensure that I have a steady cash flow. But I will begin with a little capital first and set up an online shop. 

I've actually already purchased my first batch of items to sell. I'm going to be selling Braided Cables at a low price. These are sellling online for about Php500. In Greenhills, you can buy them at Php300. But I'm selling them for only Php150!!!! 

I've also been brain storming about my shop's name. I've chosen the name 'Bonne Affaire" (pronounced as Bun Afer), which means "Good Bargain" in French. My store's concept would be to sell popular and quality items at a cheaper price. My business goal would be "To be the affordable alternative". 

I've also commissioned my husband to come up with a logo for my shop too!  

I'm going to begin with selling online then at the end of the year, I will join bazaars with my cousin [so at least we get to split the rent]. Hopefully, as I earn more, I get to buy more items to sell. I already have other items in the pipeline that I would want to include in my store. 

This is it! I'm feeling really excited about it. Hopefully this project turns into a success! 

Just as my blog theme says, Life the life you Love! 

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Friday, August 16, 2013

Look who's back for good!!

After almost 3 years of living in Boracay, my sister is back home!

We're a complete family again! This would be the first time we would have both Jai and Monik living in the same house. Good times are definitely here! 

So happy to have my sister back! The same old little sister but a better and more confident version! Welcome back Monik! Mwah!

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Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Missing Piece

We're originally 7 in the group. Unfortunately, our 7th kabarkada (close friend) is based in New York. We only get to see her if either we take a vacation in NYC (like I did in 2007) or if she comes home to the Philippines for a vacation.

I think our 20th year Anniversary is a good year because this time, Gia is home!!! So its definitely a must for the group to meet up once again! Gia we missed you!!

Here's Gia's son Sebastian, who is also my Godson, enjoying the merry go round.

Gia's only gonna be here for 2 weeks, so we only have limited time with her. Next week, we're going to have another photoshoot, this time with Gia! Finally, a complete picture! I'm excited about this and can't wait to post about our photoshoot soon!

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